When You Gotta Go

A dog’s bladder seems like a mysterious thing. Sometimes it will be hours before they do their potty dance. Other times it will be mere minutes after the last time. Though this can leave you frazzled, there’s no reason to get upset. Doggy bladders are very easy to understand once you actually get to know them a bit more.


Holding It In

How long you should wait before walking your dog it is very much like how it is in humans. Based on their age, sex, health and body size, the “correct” amount of time varies from pooch to pooch. That being said, we can make some general assumptions for the vast majority of dogs in the world. For instance, smaller and younger dogs will need to pee more than their counterparts. This makes sense because smaller dogs have smaller bladders while younger dogs process waste faster.

Another rule of thumb to go with is a bit more factual. From what we know, dogs produce around 10 to 20 mL of urine for every pound they weigh each and every day. This translates to about three to five potty breaks every day. However, sometimes there are occasions when your pup will need to hold their bladder for longer than is normal. In these cases, the older your dog is, the longer they can hold it. Puppies cannot. In fact, they are not able to physically control their own bladders until at least 16 weeks of age and even then cannot be expected to do so reliably until they reach six months.


Too Long

Dogs are pretty good at holding their own for rather long stretches of time. Many often have to keep it in for eight to 12 hours at a time due to human work schedules. While this isn’t ideal, it’s definitely doable as the dog will refrain from drinking too much so that they don’t have an accident.

Even so, this is never a good idea for prolonged periods of time. After all, asking them to hold waste within their bodies for extended periods of time will wreak havoc on their insides much in the same way it destroys us internally. The most common problems are UTIs and urinary stones. Other research suggests that continued prolonged potty holding can lead to urinary cancers. This is due to the fact that urine contains some carcinogens. If left in the body for too long, they infect the otherwise healthy cells of the urinary tract.


In the end, your dog can go for extreme periods of time without needing to use the restroom. While great for the owner that heads regularly, it’s an extremely detrimental practice that should only occur rarely and in dire circumstances. Waste should be expelled regularly, and if your dog can’t get that kind of necessary relief, now’s not the best time for you to own a dog.

Considering a Dog as Your Companion

Finding the right companion for your home isn’t just about picking up the cutest pooch around or even following your friend’s recommendations. A dog isn’t just a piece of clothing or jewelry you can put away in the closet or a drawer. Dogs are a life-commitment, and thus the decision to own one has to be made with careful thought.

It is often disheartening to see young pups put back up for adoption when the owners decide they can’t take care of them or when they discover how much work it is owning a dog, but it happens every day.

This is why it’s so important to research and discover what dog breed will best suit you and your lifestyle. There are several areas and characteristics to consider before making the ultimate decision, and it will determine how well you and your pup get along, ensuring that you are happy together.

One size does not fit all

In order for your dog to find their own niche in your home, they have to be comfortable. A small domicile like an upstairs apartment may not be the best home for an outdoor loving breed that likes to run rampant constantly (driving the downstairs neighbors crazy).

For the most part, there has to be enough room for the dog to play when they want to. So if space is restricted, search for a breed that’s going to be tiny enough to think your small apartment will take years to explore.

Of course, one must also consider the noise factor. Not all dogs share their thoughts and feelings at the same volume as others. Size doesn’t really matter in this particular situation, since many terrier breeds are renowned for their ability to vocalize their thoughts on any situation. Thus, make sure your new friend isn’t going to keep you and the neighbors up all night.

Then there is the food factor and your budget. Not everyone has a budget big enough to feed Akitas or a Saint Bernard, so you have to ask yourself, Will they eat a lot? Budgets increases are mostly underestimated in dog ownership, especially when considering medical emergencies, habit changes, relocation scenarios, and any unexpected situations that can and will likely happen at some point in both your lives. This is why it’s important to consider the actual and potential costs of having your four-legged companion.

To be fluffy, or not to be

One thing about dogs is that when they’re all cute and fluffy, they seem so much more adorable, which is why puppies are irresistibly fun to play with. But they will eventually grow out of their puppy coat and put on a different coat that will be prone to shedding.

Shedding will mean that your home is going to be covered in loose fur, occasionally a fur ball or two collecting in the kitchen corner, and if you don’t vacuum regularly because your pup likes to attack that noisy thing, you’ll end up with fur in your food.

Not all pups shed the same though. In fact, there are some that are hypo-allergenic and don’t shed at all. Because time isn’t always on your side, it’s important to consider how much time you can spend on your dog’s hygiene (such as regular brushing to keep the fur from flying), your own allergies, and how much you are willing to invest in keeping a tidy home free of fur.


Some breeds are easily trainable than others, while some breeds seem to be better at certain tasks than others. Then there are those that seem to just have a mind of their own. In most cases, high energy breeds such as Border Collies, Blue Heelers (Australian cattle dog), and Australian Shepherds require far more attention to train properly. If you don’t have the time to spend training them in-depth, high energy breeds are more likely to do what they want.

Personality match

Consider what it is that you want out of the relationship you have with your pup. Do you want them for comfort and occasional hugs? Is it for security and peace of mind? Or maybe you want a pup that will go on outdoor adventures and enjoys camping?

Each dog breed tend to have its defining characteristics. Hounds tend to be more oblivious to others and love to keep their nose to the ground.  Cattle dog breeds bond specifically to their adopted family, love the outdoors, and have plenty of energy. Terrier breeds are yappy and independent, love to hang out with their family, but are mischievous at times.

But there is still the individual personality to consider in a friend. Every dog is unique and has their own tale to tell, which defines who they are and how they live their life with you. Take time and make the right decision for you and your new furry friend because it’s one that will affect your happiness together.

What’s Your Dog Up To?

The recent past has seen an increase in the way people keep in touch and share with each other. Social networks, texting, and the plethora of Internet information sources have allowed people to get information much more efficiently, and then share it just as easily.

Of course, this is a great opportunity for pet owners to share their stories with others around the world. There are forums on social networks for just about any topic one can think off, and as such dog owners would be wise to subscribe to one that helps them learn more about their canine pets.

Learning more about your dog

Information is power, as they say, and the more you learn about your dog, the better you will be suited to respond to any situation. What one might consider a funny story about their dog snacking on some groceries when no one was looking can turn into a life-saving situation when someone hears about it and offers helpful advice.

Say your pup seems to behave a little strange. Their schedule changes, they start using the spot behind the couch for a bathroom, or maybe even have a little trouble with their bowels. At such a time, you need expert advice, but sometimes it is expensive or time consuming to find a veterinarian to help you.

What were once facts limited to the elite, trained professionals, are now open for discussion in the online world. With dog forums, getting advice and help is simple, convenient, and far less expensive (depending on your internet and phone service) than taking a trip to the vet every time you have a concern. And when there is concern, there isn’t any dispute on whether or not it’s vital that your dog does need to go to the vet for medical treatment. The end result is that sharing saves more dog lives simply because there’s more awareness about dogs and their needs.


The one primary benefit to the social online world is that it’s easy enough to simply ask. Rather than being limited to a few friends (whom may not be familiar with pet ownership), you can pose your questions to the right forum and get your answers.

Of course, this also allows each individual to share their own personal insight, experiences, and stories as well. Every individual will have their own thoughts on particular topics and subjects, some well-informed than others. What this means is that you can’t always take the first bit of advice you get. Like anything in print, it’s always open to perception and argument. Hence, the reason the internet is often so lively with discussion because without disagreement and different point of views, we wouldn’t have much to talk about. So, be sure you double check the offered facts before you take anyone’s word for it.

Pictures and stories

What social networking has done for the dog/companion world is bring everyone together, turning what was once a relationship between pet and owner into a bond that seems more like a paternal relationship. Owners utilize social networks to update how their “buddy” is doing at the moment or what kind of mischief they have planned for the park later.

What the social world has done for these relationships is help dog owners exhibit how much they love their pooches- and how much their furry friends love them back. Pictures and stories provide a world of different experiences that other owners, even potential ones, can research to really gain insight into the world of dogs, their habits, antics, and the bond that builds between.

Recent trends point towards a state where social won’t be just for people anymore. In fact, there are plenty of dogs that have their own social update-statuses, turning them into public figures in the online world. From politics to story characters, dogs are getting their say in the online world, and change the way that people view these furry friends.

The online world is full of information, and it can be extremely helpful; from simple advice to lifesaving social updates. But just because it’s online doesn’t always mean that it’s pure fact, so be sure that you ask around, because there’s always someone else you can consult before you decide for yourself what the facts are.

Double check the source and the information. [tweet this]

Every dog is different, and because of that simple fact, it’s great to be able to share each one of their experiences, unique stories, and the silly candid pictures. As such, always feel free to ask questions, share your own stories, helpful hints, and even post up a cute picture of your pooch when the time is right.

Top 10 Tips in Keeping Apartment Dogs

Apartment and Condominium Dogs have played a major part in the daily household experience of its owners. Living in a building with several floors and elevators will already make you think twice of keeping a dog at your flat. It will never be similar to keeping a dog in a normal house. There’s no back door you can open to make him go outside and you will always have to strap your apartment and condominium dogs with their leash, and go with them to the ground floor regardless of the current weather outside your apartment. You will have to get used to dealing with elevators, tight pathways, big lobbies and share all these with all the dogs in your condominium. It’s a completely special planet with a totally new group of training requirements.

It is indeed a warm and intimate community you are getting into if you have decided to hold residence in an apartment or condo with shared pathways, common lobby and public elevators. You will start to belong in the same community of common spaces even if you have no idea who your neighbors are and do not communicate frequently with them. This given surrounding demands a strong sense of sensitivity toward the desires, requests and ease of the rest of the condo owners. It will be different on how comfortable you are living in a private home as opposed to living in a condo where you have to act accordingly in an apartment.

Below are Top 10 Tips in Keeping Apartment Dogs that are based from real life experiences on keeping a dog in a high-rise condominium. This can further promote openness between the apartment owners and dog owners to allow dogs in their buildings if each homeowner with a dog will abide by the given rules in this list.

1) If you run or walk on streets, make sure to always bring a plastic bag. You may opt to choose a common grassy area when he can potty, maintain it clean by using a plastic bag to clean it up.

2) Never leave your dogs unleashed. Your dogs should always be tied up on their leash most especially when you intend to go to common spaces of your apartment. Even if your dog is trained, never risk leaving him unleashed.

3) Use a short leash on your dog. Keep him close to you when you go through the pathways and lobby of your condominium.

4) Never let your dog have that chance of running up to someone. A lot of people are still not keen on dogs around them. If there was a person intending to pet your dog, make him sit first before you let your neighbor touch him. Just ensure that your dog is on sitting position the whole meet. Others may just walk straight to your dog without asking permission. By having a short leash, you can easily control your dog’s actions toward the person.

5) Whatever the size of your dog, never let him jump on strangers. Train your dog to sit before you pet and praise him. Dogs that are rowdy and jump on people may cause a lot of trouble.

6) Train your dog not to growl when you’re in the shared area of your apartment. Dogs are capable of barking very loud regardless of their size when situated inside any closed building. Unforeseen circumstances may arise causing him to be surprised and bark endlessly. By teaching him not to bark when you command similar to training him to speak only when you command.

7) Maintain control in any given situation. If you come across a neighbor inside your condo, make the dog’s leash short and close to you. Have him lie or sit down once the other dog pass through, most especially if your dog is larger.

8 ) It is best that you do not initiate introducing your dog to another dog. If unavoidable, make the bigger dog lie or sit down while the smaller dog comes near. Even if both dogs are sanitized, you still have to be very cautious most especially with two male dogs. There will be a lot of barking and roaring if one of them feels more overbearing.

9) Always stand toward the back when you ride the elevator with your dog. Practice him to just sit next to you and make him keep his eyes on you during the elevator ride. Your dog should only get up and exit the elevator once he gets a signal from you.

10) Potty train your dog indoors. You can start this off by setting a schedule for your dog’s potty times. You have to remember that establishing a schedule is one of the main key you have to be consistent about. It is also essential that you reward your dog for a job well done by praising him. Find the most suitable potty area that is easily accessible and make sure to mark it. The potty area should not be just near your carpeted floors inside your house. It may be on near the dirty kitchen or somewhere that does not have any carpet.

These rules in keeping apartment dogs should be applied even when you are alone with your dog. Your dog will get to learn this as part of his normal behavior if you always make it under your control when he is inside the condominium premises. Your dog will not just associate this when he is surrounded by other people.

Keeping up with your pet supplies can be just another thing you don’t want to have to remember. After a long day at work and going to the store, the last thing you want to do is have to go “to the store” again. Consider home delivery of your pet supplies!

Special Care for Your Petite Pooch

Basic small dog care is much the same as for larger dogs, but owners need to make a few adjustments to best meet their small dog’s needs. Consider the following daily dog care routines, and how they’re adapted to meet the needs of your pint-sized pup.

Feeding Your Small Dog

Naturally you’re going to feed your dog daily, but the standard-size kibble at the grocery store may be too large for your small dog to eat comfortably. You’ll need to be sure to buy a kibble designed to fit his smaller mouth (these are easy to find among the premium dog food brands). Canned soft foods are also perfectly suitable for your small dog.

Containing Your Small Dog

All dogs need exercise and a safe place to potty outdoors, and a fenced-in yard provides all the security they need, right? Not necessarily when it comes to small dogs. A fence that adequately holds a bigger dog may have gaps large enough for a small dog to fit between or under, allowing him to escape. Fences also can’t provide overhead protection from large hawks, which sadly have been known to carry small dogs and puppies away. A covered kennel run might better meet your small dog’s needs.

Training Your Small Dog

Small dogs aren’t any harder to train than large dogs, yet the consensus of many pet experts is that many of them end up spoiled. No matter if he fits in a purse or a pocket, your small dog still sees the world in terms of pack behavior, and if you’re not leading the pack, he is. It’s a wise idea to make sure your small dog is thoroughly housetrained, no matter how small and inconsequential the mess might seem when he misses. Dog experts also suggest you make your small dog work for you, to keep him responsive to your rules. Have him sit or do tricks before you give him a tasty treat or even his meal.

Grooming Your Small Dog

Small dog care includes some special grooming needs you’ll need to keep in mind. Small dogs require more frequent nail trimming than larger dogs, because they typically spend less time on rough surfaces wearing them down. You’ll also need to brush your small dog’s teeth twice a week if you’re feeding a soft canned food diet.

As you can see, small dog care largely follows the same route as care for any other sized dog. The differences may seem like minor details, but paying attention to them can make a big impact when it comes to meeting your small dog’s special needs.

Keeping up with your pet supplies can be just another thing you don’t want to have to remember. After a long day at work and going to the store, the last thing you want to do is have to go “to the store” again. Consider home delivery of your pet supplies!

Effective Puppy Potty Training

By Maria Posted in pet housebreaking / No Comments »

Adopting a puppy brings with it a lot of joy and happiness to the new owner, but the joy is short-lived after they learn the responsibilities that relate to housebreaking and potty training. Puppy potty training is a gradual process that requires one’s patience. This is a period that stresses both you and the pup, so treading carefully is recommended. All the challenges involved can however, be overcome, and a loving relationship be built between you and the puppy.

Stay patient

The first step in housebreaking is familiarizing with all the possible dog habits. Some behavior traits are common in all puppies. They include barking, jumping, panting, and sometimes biting. Other puppies tend to be aggressive and territorial. The puppy might also be anxious of its new environment. In any case, you should note your pup’s behavior in the beginning as it will tell volumes about its growth and development.

Since the puppy hasn’t been potty trained yet, expect them to take care of their potty business inside the house. This is probably going to be annoying after the first few incidents, but stay patient and realize that the pup needs time and lots of training. You must also understand that puppies grow rapidly when they are young and will eat more at this stage. Eating more translates to eliminating more, as their bowels and bladders are yet to be fully developed.

In these early stages, it would be advisable to train your puppy in an outdoors litter environment where they will not mess up the carpet or the couch. If the puppy happens to eliminate inside the house and you catch it in the act, you should take it outside to its rightful potty location. Physically punishing the puppy is counterproductive; it will make the pup fear you more, thus reduce any chances of the puppy taking up the habits you are trying to instill.

After nine to fifteen weeks, significant improvement should be expected. While puppies are different, expect the puppy to have started picking up on the right potty habits after this time. However, make room for mistakes. Three month old puppies have much stronger bladders and thus can hold their business for more than four hours. The bladder develops better resistance as the puppy grows, and this resistance is enhanced when the puppy is distracted. If the puppy happens to be outdoors chasing a moth, potty business can be put on hold for some time.

Housebreak effectively

There are a number of activities that one can put in place to housebreak their puppy. The puppy should be shown its potty location and be allowed to access it frequently. Feeding should be done in a timely manner. Having a regular schedule is necessary to keep track of when to expect the puppy to potty. If the puppy eliminates in the right potty location, a reward should also be given.

A puppy’s potty training will move along more effectively if the puppy is confined to a den or a crate. Dogs love the feeling of safety and security. The den also brings out their territorial instincts. Also, dogs will rarely potty where they sleep, so they will be inclined to take their business elsewhere. As such, the crate should be spacious and comfortable, and you should let the puppy out three to four hours after eating so they can take care of things. You do this often enough and the puppy will learn the right potty habits, effectively ensuring that you can get on to building and maintaining a loving relationship with your four-legged companion.

Keeping up with your pet supplies can be just another thing you don’t want to have to remember. After a long day at work and going to the store, the last thing you want to do is have to go “to the store” again. Consider home delivery of your pet supplies!

When It’s not Safe

Your dog wakes you up in the middle of the night, scratching at the door and whining to be let out. You look over at the alarm clock which shows that it’s right about midnight. It’s dark outside, it’s late, and the neighborhood you live in isn’t exactly the friendliest/safest in the world.

Unfortunately, your dog still has to go potty and there’s no way they’re going to be able to hold it until morning. This leaves you with few options, the cleanest (and least safe) of which is to dare the late night so that your pup can take care of business.

Going outside

Staying safe should be your main concern in this type of situation. You’ll want to observe the area before you leave the safety of your house. This is best done from a window that overlooks the entire area you plan to be in.

Once you determine the outlay of the environment, it’s a good idea to wear bright clothing so that you can be seen by others. You’ll also want to turn on any lights and keep the area where you’re going to well illuminated, with the help of a porch light or floodlight.

Also, you’ll want to avoid areas where someone or something (a dog, snake, or even a raccoon) could be hiding. Stay away from places such as high bushes, stairwells, or hedges. Stay close to the door if you can, as it will be much faster to go back in should any danger arise. If you have to go beyond your home, don’t wander around the neighborhood or go around corners.

Items to have

When going out in the dead of night, it’s vital that you keep a few items with you. This includes a cellular phone (even if you’re just stepping out for a moment) and a powerful flashlight. A flashlight will allow you to not only observe/illuminate the area, but also inhibit the vision of anyone approaching you. And the most important tool is your dog’s leash. A leash will help you maintain control over the dog should they want to run off unexpectedly.

Stay completely safe

Of course, not having to go outside is the best solution to the issue. Rather than risk a late night adventure outdoors in a hostile environment, consider investing in an indoor potty solution such as a dog litter box to avoid putting yourself and your dog in harm’s way. An indoor potty solution not only saves you the trouble, but allows the dog to take care of business at their own convenience, without having to wake you.

Not every neighborhood will have white picket fences and a friendly Mr. Rogers as a neighbor. At times, it can be unwise to go out, especially when it’s dark. This means that you have to take all necessary precautions to make your trip outside a successful one for everyone involved. Strive to keep yourself and your dog safe at such times, and if it seems too dangerous to head outside, it may be time to find a solution that keeps you inside.

Keeping up with your pet supplies can be just another thing you don’t want to have to remember. After a long day at work and going to the store, the last thing you want to do is have to go “to the store” again. Consider home delivery of your pet supplies!

Spring Break and House Breaking

Spring break is one of the long-awaited holidays that give you the opportunity to get away from your daily surroundings. For countless students, this often is a time to pack up the bags and hit the road in search of a great vacation destination. However, for recent dog owners, this holiday can pose an issue when it comes to house-breaking. For a dog, the break will change their lifestyle drastically, affecting their daily habits and being a little confusing to the owner.

Leaving your dog 

First of all, you have to ask yourself what the best choice is going to be for your dog. Not all spring break destinations are dog-friendly, so leaving your dog at home during spring break may be your only choice. You can’t leave your dog at home unattended all week, so with whom can you trust this responsibility? Who do you both trust? Are they constantly available? Do they know what to do? If you plan to leave your dog with someone, you’re going to need to be well-organized before you go.

For a dog, this is a very sensitive time during their life. It means that they’re going to be developing the majority of their habits, and it’s up to you to set them up correctly. Discuss training methods with your select puppy-sitter. This includes potty locations, feeding schedules, and exercises. Having the right tools for the job will be necessary, and in this situation an indoor dog litter box can prove to be invaluable to your goal. Though your dog shouldn’t be left unattended to, you want to provide the opportunity for them to go whenever they need to.

Taking them with you

But, what if you’re taking the dog with you? Training on the move can be just as difficult, especially since the travelling can alter your dog’s perception of potty locations, sleeping areas, and habits. Because of all the potential new sights and sounds, the situation can result in various scenarios, from generating a scary atmosphere, to getting them over-excited and less controllable during the training process.

Preparing your dog training supplies is going to be your first step here. What will you need? What’s your strategy? Crating is often very convenient in this scenario, since it will double as a safety location for your dog and be portable during the travels. A crate also provides your dog with a comfort zone that never changes, where they can return to and feel secure wherever they are. Additionally, a dog-kit will be important as well. It should contain food, treats, water (with a portable container), enzyme cleaners in case of accidents, and a medical kit.

Because changing location can be confusing for a dog at this stage, it’s imperative that you designate a familiar potty location. By using something familiar that they can respond to anywhere they go, it will make transitioning back to their home environment much easier.

Going on vacation during spring break can pose some issues with your dog’s housetraining strategy, but as long as you plan carefully and know what to expect, both you and the dog will be able to enjoy the experience.

Keeping up with your pet supplies can be just another thing you don’t want to have to remember. After a long day at work and going to the store, the last thing you want to do is have to go “to the store” again. Consider home delivery of your pet supplies!

Too Much Urine?

How frequently should your dog be peeing? In most cases, it’s a relative question. Young puppies and older dogs will pee more often than those in between. But, what happens when your dog suddenly changes behavior? What about those who have just become pet owners and are adjusting to their dog’s own unique habits?

In most cases, your dog is going to either have transparent or dark urine. Now, there are certain elements which will result in the variations. Transparent often means your dog is well hydrated, while a darker color commonly means your dog hasn’t had enough water to drink lately. However, certain food types and other conditions such as ailments (they’re feeling under the weather) and medication will often discolor urine as well.

Excessive peeing

The problem comes when your dog begins to urinate a little more than often. In many cases, this could be their body trying to get rid of something or it could be a serious condition such as a urinary tract infection.

Keep in mind that just because your dog is licking themselves down there doesn’t mean they have an infection. In fact, the action is actually their natural way of preventing infections. But, if they’re consistently licking themselves or showing signs of discomfort and irritation, you’ll want to consult with your veterinarian to make sure there’s no danger to your dog’s health.

There are other scenarios that can result in excessive urine as well. There are some elements found in your yard which can cause your dog to pee excessively. Some yard sprays have toxic chemicals in trace amounts, and since dogs tend to sniff and snack on different yard plants from grass to milk weeds, their body will attempt to rid these toxins the best way it knows how. Keep track of what your dog puts in their mouth and make sure your yard is clear of any hazardous elements, including toxic vegetation such as the lily plant.

Normal in an abnormal situation

What if they’re peeing a lot all at once? Not all dogs go frequently, and some can hold it for a long time. However, they may be holding it too long. This isn’t good for their body either, and often results in a bladder infection, which will eventually turn into a dangerous situation.

Do keep in mind that young puppies and senior dogs are going to have to potty more often. The same condition applies for dogs suffering from diabetes as well. Dogs should always have regular access to a potty location, even while you’re at work. And just to make sure their body stays healthy and well-maintained, walk them regularly and make sure they get plenty of exercise. While it might seem like it is just to keep them in shape, it actually helps their digestion as well, ensuring everything functions properly.

There are certain conditions that can result in excessive dog urination, and they are the ones that you’ll need to focus on to ensure your pup stays healthy. But for the most part, don’t be worried if your dog is going regularly and right on schedule, because after all, it’s only natural.

Keeping up with your pet supplies can be just another thing you don’t want to have to remember. After a long day at work and going to the store, the last thing you want to do is have to go “to the store” again. Consider home delivery of your pet supplies!

When You Move Your Family and the Dog

Any situation that involves moving is going to be littered with hurdles to overcome. You have to focus on getting your family oriented, packing up your stuff, relocating it, and organizing your new home. All these things can become time consuming, leaving you little time to focus on other things.

One of those other things just happens to be your dog. Sometimes new to the family, you might find yourself in the midst of potty training and juggling all the tasks it takes to relocate. But that doesn’t mean you can’t spend time focusing on your dog’s needs, especially since a new home is going to present a great deal of change for your dog to face.

Adjusting to a new home

Working while organizing your family move at the same time can be either a challenge or a benefit. With your family there to assist you, it can be an opportunity to incorporate the whole family. Just be sure that everyone knows the part they need to play, such as feeding, potty times, and handling (you don’t want your dog to get lost).

The general aspect of relocation can be difficult for a dog to handle. They’re familiar with their surroundings and will quickly begin developing habits in the home. The problem here is that the new location may not provide identical sights, sounds, and smell for them to associate with potty locations.

Teaching them in a new place doesn’t have to be difficult though. Scent is one of the most effective ways to use during the adjustment, since dogs have very good olfactory senses. Use this to your advantage. This is where incentive sprays can be a great asset. What other conditions can you replicate in your new home? Is there a certain environment they prefer? Grass and even a little soil from their old home can help them associate a new location with their designated potty area as well. Basically, you’ll want to find a location similar to the area where you were previously training them.

Time to potty

It is also best to try to keep their schedule the same. Feeding times will still affect their need to potty and the timeframe in which they’ll want to do so. Keep their diet the same and their schedule identical. Your family can help you with this task, especially since the move can put a time consuming burden on all those involved.

Be prepared

Also, don’t become discouraged with accidents, because they happen often in a new home, regardless of training. It may be possible that your dog has picked up the scent of a previous pet in the home or even a strange smell that they can’t identify. The use of an enzyme based cleaner is going to be a powerful asset in this scenario, so be prepared to eliminate any situations before they become a serious problem.

Additionally, keep in mind that the stress of a move can sometimes cause diarrhea in dogs. This is a natural sign that they’re stressed, and often passes within a few days. Just make sure that your dog has regular access to their potty location when need be.

Moving can prove a challenge for both your family and your pets. But with some patience and teamwork, you can help your dog adjust while you move in and enjoy your new home together as a family.

Keeping up with your pet supplies can be just another thing you don’t want to have to remember. After a long day at work and going to the store, the last thing you want to do is have to go “to the store” again. Consider home delivery of your pet supplies!