Dog Housetraining Product Review

By Maria Posted in dog care, dog training / No Comments »

Accidents happen, and dogs are renowned for managing to potty in the most inconvenient places. Simple Solution has developed a great solution to accident prevention. Doggy diapers are worn by your dog in order to catch accidents before they can reach your furniture, carpet, or floor.

Simple Solutions offers different types of doggy diapers, targeting males who mark, both male and female untrained dogs, and even older dogs that may have disabilities. Of course, while the idea is a great one, it can also lead to a few problems.

The first issue is application. The problem with a doggy diaper for a younger, untrained puppy is that it only covers up the problem. While it will save your carpet, it won’t help teach your dog good habits. They become accustomed to the idea of going wherever they want, so when the diaper comes off, they continue doing this.

The same effect also applies to dogs that are prone to marking. Continuing the use of a doggy diaper would only reinforce bad habits, which disrupts the training process.

Another problem lies in a younger dog’s curiosity. Not all dogs enjoy wearing things, and a doggy diaper might end up as a shredded mess. There is also the concern of actually getting a dog to put the diaper on. This may be problematic at first, but over time, most become adjusted to it.

On the other hand, the diapers offer the perfect solution for incontinent older dogs. As dogs age, they can become incontinent, often doing their potty wherever they are because they don’t even realize that they are going. Here, the doggy diaper would help keep your home safe and their bed clean. This will definitely be beneficial for you and your dog.

Of course, remember that you need to regularly change the diaper, which can become expensive. Averaging around thirteen dollars for disposable and seventeen dollars for washable, the best choice would be the washable diapers since you can use them again after washing. While it can be a little dirty, it can save you some extra cash in the long run.

Simple Solutions has developed the great idea of doggy diapers for your beloved pets. Just remember to use them wisely and not cover up a problem that needs to be addressed.

Nagging Doesn’t Work in Dog Training Either

By Maria Posted in dog training / No Comments »

The training process between a dog and owner can be a difficult task. What can make this task so difficult is when the training process is actually hindering the learning process. Training your dog should be like a student in a classroom- no distractions. Unfortunately, distractions come in a wide variety, and are often overlooked as irrelevant.

For a young puppy, learning is everything. They begin learning from day one, and will develop most of their behavior skills within their first year.

Perhaps the largest distraction that is inherent in training is nagging your dog. The training process teaches them the right behaviors, but too often are they told “no” when they should be shown the “yes.” Waiting until your dog does the wrong thing, and then correcting them isn’t as influential as training them to develop good behavior. This is basically positive reinforcement, which is the best way to teach any dog. You show them what to do, and when they do it, you reward them. Incorrect behavior gets no reward. Because it is in a dog’s nature to please their owner, they will want to do the right actions.

This often requires diligence in your training. Don’t change your mind about permissible actions with wrong action later.This is usually common with the playful nips that young puppies are inclined to. If you let them bite you, playfully, don’t scold them for it tomorrow. Begin prohibiting these actions automatically, and don’t allow them, regardless of the situation. Or, allow them, but don’t change your mind and confuse them about it being okay.

This means other too. Don’t allow others to try to train your dog. Various commands, changing vocal patterns can be confusing. They may also teach them incorrect habits. Most notably, the “jump up on my knee, little puppy” is the most common amongst younger dogs who are thought to be cute. But this teaches them a very bad habit that can be hard to break later in life. And it isn’t that cute when a seventy pound dog jumps up on you or someone else.

Training your dog shouldn’t be full of distractions and confusion. You need to teach them their habits, and keep in mind that what you teach, your dog will learn. So don’t confuse them by changing your mind about what is acceptable and what is okay.

The Secret Of Puppy Potty Training

By Maria Posted in dog care, dog training / No Comments »

The potty training process can be difficult to manage unless you’re aware of a few simple secrets that you should practice with your dog. Potty training all comes down to a technique, and if you don’t have the right one, the process can be that much more difficult.

Scheduling is the first place to start with your young puppy. Dogs develop habits very quickly, so feeding, watering, sleeping, and ultimately potty time will all become a scheduled part of your dog’s day. This is why it is important to feed them on a scheduled time slot. If you know when food goes in, it will be easier to know when it’s going to come out.

Body language is another powerful tool for potty training your pup. As your dog’s owner, it is important that you pay attention to how they act and the way they move, not just for potty training, but for health reasons as well. Many dogs will know that they have to go, although younger puppies don’t always have complete control over their bowels. But, more often than not, dogs will give you signs that they need to go potty. It is up to you to pay attention. Some of the most common signs are waiting at the door to go out, sniffing around in a small secluded area, or even circling (it may be too late). They may even come and get you when they need to go out, which can be mistaken for the desire to play. Pay attention to what your dog is saying.

Building a bond is yet another secret that is often overlooked. Many people take their dog’s relationship for granted, but one of the best tricks to helping a dog associate potty time with outside is the “walk.” Taking your dog for a regular walk helps them relieve their bowls much more easily through the effects of movement and exercise. It also gives your dog plenty of time to take care of business while outdoors.

Teaching your dog the right way to behave in your home all comes down to spending time with them. The secret is that you need to spend quality time on feeding, exercising, and listening to your puppy.

Remember This When Potty Training Your Dog

By Maria Posted in dog training / No Comments »

When teaching your dog the proper manners of the house, specifically where it’s okay to potty, there are a few things to keep in mind during this process. Luckily, we’re not the first dog owners in the world, so there’s the advice of others and a few helpful hints to help the process along.

Feeding time does play a big part in potty training. Young pups aren’t in complete control of their bowels, and have very little ability when it comes to holding it until you can let them out. Feeding a dog right before you go to bed or leave the house is possibly one of the biggest mistakes you can make. On average, feeding time should take place two to three times during the day, the last being at least a couple of hours before you leave the house or before bed time so that they have time to potty. Keep feeding times well regimented so that their potty time will also form its own schedule. It’ll help you get a feel for when your dog needs to be let out to ensure your carpet doesn’t get soiled.

Failure to clean up after your dog’s mistake is another mistake just waiting to happen. Just picking up the poop or soaking up the pee with a towel and spraying some carpet detergent on it isn’t going to prevent your dog’s sensitive nose from picking up their own scent. If you’re having trouble with your dog continuously using the same spot in the house, you need to invest in some enzyme based cleaners that will eat the cause of the smell, rather than just cover it up.

Remember that disciplining a dog after they’ve already had an accident isn’t going to do much more than scare them and make the situation worse. The best thing to do is clean up the mess, and it is okay for them to watch. In fact it helps them learn that the area isn’t where poop goes. Dispose of it outside, in either the yard (I prefer to do this so that my pup can watch me put it where it is supposed to go) or your compost container. If you put it in the yard, just remember to clean it up later.

These are just a few helpful reminders to help give you the upper hand when it comes to potty training. It’s up to you to spend the quality time teaching your pup the rules of your home.

Real Grass For The Porch Potty

Porch Potty’s grass litter box comes with the option for both synthetic grass and real grass for you to choose from. But what advantages does real grass have? Is it better than synthetic? Or do each of them have their own unique characteristics that your pup can enjoy?

To start, we all know that synthetic grass won’t wilt and die. It promises long life and durability because of this, but Porch Potty’s option of real grass sod is a fairly unique solution to this problem. Rather than rely on dirt based sod, they utilize a different form of nutrition for their real grass.

This also means that there aren’t any dirt clods that will fall out when it comes to cleaning time. The natural grass mat simply pulls out just the same, allowing you to get down into the base if you need to. There aren’t any dirt clods to fall down into the base and clog up the maintenance system either.

Because natural grass will eventually succumb to the natural cycle of life, you will eventually have to replace it. Three to four weeks of life is required for potty training pups, which is what Porch Potty provides with the natural grass mats. But, with proper maintenance, particularly the self-maintaining system that the unit is available with, natural grass can last up to six months.

The nice thing is that even if you choose to go with synthetic, you can still use natural grass if you want to, whenever you want to. You can keep a synthetic grass mat when it comes time to order new patches of grass so that you’re pup can continue to use their indoor plumbing.

If you’re considering the natural grass option for your Porch Potty, it is undoubtedly one of the best real grass solutions on the market. It offers long life with proper care, and is still neat and clean enough to prevent any extra mess you might encounter when it comes time to change it out. Your pup can enjoy the feel of the outdoors without bringing the mess inside.

Submissive Urinating

Charlie rushed through the grass. He enjoys being a puppy and exploring this vast world. The Johnson’s back yard was of course the most interesting thing he had ever seen. So many smells in the air and even these interesting insects that were ever so evasive.

photoMrs. Johnson called for Charlie to come, which he eagarly did. Back inside, the smells of the great outdoors faded away. He loved Mrs. Johnson and enjoyed her company. He propped his paws up on her knee and began to furiously lick her hand. But, with the moment passed, Mrs. Johnson returned to unpacking her groceries.

That’s when the kids rushed into the kitchen, searching for their own goodies to get into. The youngest dipped down to offer Charlie a gratuitous pet of affection, to which the little rascal tucked his tail and let loose a stream of timidity. Charlie knew the children were part of the family, but was still a little fearful of them. Whenever someone other than Mrs. Johnson touched him, or even tried to, he lost control of his bladder. He didn’t want to, but it’s just that he was uncomfortable with them.

Mrs. Johnson, concerned with Charlie’s problem, decided to do some research. She soon found that although Charlie was smart and had quickly picked up every bit of housetraining they had taught, he was having problems with “submissive urinating.” Something was making him feel uncomfortable, causing him to lose control of his bladder.

To help Charlie cope with becoming familiar with his new home, Mrs. Johnson decided to get a Porch Potty for him to use whenever he needed to so that he could keep his bladder empty at his own convenience. As his family helped him adapt to his new home and try to make him more comfortable around them and even friends that visited, his grass litter box was there to provide an easy access potty area.Getting him used to his new family has been a challenge, but with some love and affection (and a few treats), Charlie learned to get along with everyone- and get over his submissive potty problem.

The Art of the Start

By Maria Posted in dog care, dog training / No Comments »

Puppies are awesome. They bring us happiness and companionship. But, there is the important part of training them. Their mind is young and fresh, taking in every scent, sight, and act that takes place. You have the chance to teach them whatever you want, and while that’s the best part, there is also the tediousness of the process. Everything is going to have to be taught. You can’t expect to drop that young rascal off and hope he knows where to get food and go potty. It takes some time, but with a little patience and a lot of love, anybody can learn the art of the start.

Teach that young dog some tricks

photoWhen they’re young, they remember everything you teach them. But, it is your reaction to what they do that makes the impact. If you react positively to them using their potty area, then they’ll remember that it’s good, in fact, okay to go there. It’s often in the smallest hint that these puppies learn, wanting always to please you.

The best direction to start is positive reinforcement. Tell them when they are being good (rather, show them) so that they understand what they’ve done is what they are supposed to do. When they do something wrong, make it known to them. The early stages of learning are full of trial and error. Don’t take mistakes as a sign of disobedience, they are still learning and it is up to you to guide them properly.

Tools to help

Luckily, there are a few tools out there to make training a little easier. Pups will instinctively not want to potty where they eat or sleep, so using a crate to help enforce the potty location (outside or grass litter box) can help things along.

Teaching them the basics

Since everything you do will let them know if it’s right or wrong, it’s best to not do anything to spoil them (at least for now). Slipping them some table scraps may quickly lead to begging and would make it very difficult to break later on. As for the potty area, using a command phrase such as “Go potty” helps them associate your voice and words with it being “good” to potty where they are.

All of your teaching should start immediately, when their mind is fresh like a sponge, waiting to absorb every moment that you spend with them. Though it may seem like they aren’t ready to learn, they have already learned so much since you met them- that you both are going to be the best of friends.

Mike Can’t Wait

Mike loves his new home. His family is wonderful, his bed is cozy, and the kids play with him all the time. The apartment is big enough so that there’s plenty of room to run around. Downstairs, there’s just enough grass between the walkways for a pup to do his business, but not much else. Overall, his new home is awesome as far as Mike is concerned.

photoUnfortunately for the little rascal, things change. Time has brought the school year back around, and the children aren’t at home so often. He still had the company of their father, at least until today. A business meeting took the fella and his hat away from home- and away from Mike.

The morning has gone by fast for him, and he’s been trying to avoid his mischievous desires like digging in the trash or chewing on the dinosaur toy the kids left in the hallway again. But these are so difficult to resist, especially for such a young pup whose teeth are first starting to come in. The plastic toy loses a valiant battle against Mike and his fearsome puppy jaws.

Lunch time has come and gone, and poor Mike is beginning to worry. He would usually get fed by now, but no one has come home. He’s beginning to think that they’ve forgotten him. A little anxiety has begun to surface, and though he tries to reassure himself that they’ll be back, a feeling has begun to fill his belly. Lunch can be missed, but there’s one need that should always be remembered- at least if you want your pup to be housetrained.

Mike rushes to the door, but it’s locked and his little paws aren’t going to be working the doorknob any time soon. He scratches and claws at the door, fighting the urge that is worsening in his belly. He whines and begs for someone to open the door, but no one does. It’s really amazing that such a young rascal has held on for so long, but it is to no avail.

Mike knows what he did wasn’t right, but when your bladder is so tiny and your body hasn’t fully developed, you just can’t wait all day.

Potty Training in Your Apartment

For those living in the urban districts, apartments that sit high above the street can make it a little difficult for your pup to hop on outside to take care of business. Potty training your pup for an apartment has its own difficulties, especially when you can’t just open the door and let your pup wander outside until the job is done.

photoFor most folks, who live in an apartment, purchasing a grass litter box for their pup is going to be the best help you can offer your pup. It offers your pup easy and quick access, and is particularly helpful if you’re at work all day, or even disabled and would have to navigate stairs every time that rascal needs to potty (which for young pups can be just about every hour).

Setting aside a particular place for potty usage in your home is important and should be separate from eating and sleeping areas. A crate will be helpful for the first few months of training, teaching them the difference between the two areas. Choose an area where you can clean up any tracking, such as a bathroom or laundry room that have linoleum or hard flooring.

With their potty area separated from other areas, it’s time to teach them to use it. Using a command phrase or word, such as “potty time!” helps them associate using their potty with your approval. This is helpful all around, and helps prevent them from thinking it’s okay to use your carpet instead.

Timing is going to be everything. Regularly let your pup have access to their potty, such as right after eating or playtime you will need to take them to the area and let them stay there until they do their business. Keep an eye on your pup, especially during the first few months. Watch for sniffing, circling, and squatting so that you can prevent them from accidents before it happens. Prevention is the best way to train any pup, rather than wait for them to do the deed and punish once it’s done.

Just in case of accident, you’ll need to keep odor eaters handy. If and when you discover accidents, even if they’re just outside of their potty area, clean them up quickly to prevent future mistakes. Remember to be patient with your pup as it will take time to get them adjusted to their new home, no matter where it is.

Products to Help Alone Time

By Maria Posted in dog care, dog training / No Comments »

We can’t spend every waking moment with our pups, even if we wanted to. Proper training and preparations are necessary to help your pup cope with being alone. So, in order to help the process along, there are tools that may prove helpful. Knowledge, of course, is your primary tool, but there are other devices and products that should help ease training and bring comfort to your pup during alone time.

A pup’s personal space

photoThe crate is going to be one of the best tools for preparing your pup to be alone. While it may seem like locking your pup in a cage is mean, it doesn’t have to be. The crate can either be a “time-out” spot where they feel they are forced to go, or it can be a sanctuary for them that offers security. How you treat the crate will affect how your pup responds to it. Introducing your pup to it slowly, a little time spent in it during the day, will help your pup adjust to being alone.

Toys and treats

Here’s where toys and treats will be useful. The good old rawhide chew toy never gets old, so if your pup is in the cage, it is important that they aren’t lonely. Tossing in a few of their favorite toys and a few treats will keep them busy while they’re spending their time alone.

There are unstuffed toys available for pup’s to play with, some with squeakers that can drive you a little crazy while you’re home. But since you won’t be there, it’ll probably be a great activity for your pup.

Some toys, referred to as stuffed Kongs, can have a treat inserted into them, creating an experience in which your pup has to remain active to get at the goods. After a while, your pup may even begin to expect these toys and treats when it’s time for you to leave, making the separation a positive experience rather than an unsettling one.

While crates are useful, some may even prefer to have a separate puppy room that is designated for your favorite companion. A comfortable bed and even their own grass litter box will provide them with the necessities to enjoy their time alone, and later, perhaps even become a little more self-dependent.

Remember that these tools are there to help you prepare your pup to be alone, helping them to adjust and learn that you aren’t always there, but you will always be back.